Saturday, October 6, 2012

Some success some failure!

So this evening I decided to try two recipes that I found on Pinterest. 
The first looked and smelled sooo yummy.  I would make it again for the smell only.  It 
was not my success though.  Even after one full hour in the oven the potatoes never cooked.  I went over the recipe again, just to see were I did it wrong.   And I couldn't find it. 
My success was this Chicken Crescent Roll Casserole.  Ellie, Liam and I all liked it. Tim not so much but he is a picky eater.  Maddie had a tortilla with melted cheese.
This is what my kitchen looked like in the process

Then knowing that I was not going in to veg in front of the tv, I had this.

So with my kitchen nice and clean I am ready to relax.

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