Monday, October 1, 2012

Day One

Day one of October and day one of a new challenge for me.  No tv.  As I sat ALL day yesterday watching nothing but things I have seen before and doing nothing all day (granted the weather was bad) I decided I had, had enough.  So many other things that I could be doing.  So maybe I can find my Thrush Green and Fairacre by giving up the telly.  

I believe it was 15 years ago this month that I picked up my first Miss Read book.  The Christmas Mouse.  I read all her books non stop.  I read a review that they are about nothing and I like that thought.  Nothing but the day to day life of people.  

I have tried to change my life so many times.  Trying to be someone else, live like they do.  It never seems to fit or work for me.  So I am going to be me with all my flaws.  I am just going to give one thing up and see how it affects my life.  I am the only one in this home who is doing it.  They don't even know.  And seeing that my family never reads this or even knows that I have it, they will not figure it out for a while.  

Today will be an easy one because we are heading to a country fair this afternoon and night.  I am not looking forward to it.  I usually do, but something seems to be not feeling right lately.  Crowds and such make me very nervous. 
So as for Day One we are off.  

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