Saturday, June 14, 2014

Finding Fairacre

In my pursuit to find Thrush Green, I have instead found Fairacre.  In my search through used bookstores I have have gathered as many Miss Read books that I could find.  When I went to put my most recent find among my other Miss Read books I noticed that I have most of her Fairacre stories.  How lucky I am to find any, but I am short only a few.  Miss Read is a simple loving teacher who loves the surrounding country side.  The newest title to my collection is A Peaceful Retirement.  I have never read it, so I am excited to settle in with it this evening.
So excited to have such a fine collection.  I do love the older books, but they are so difficult to find in the USA.  I would love to go on  a hunt for her books in the UK.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I'll Take One of Each!

I'll Take One of Each! by saltycotton
I'll Take One of Each!, a photo by saltycotton on Flickr.

I love this picture!!! I want to stay home and be a house keeper!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Favorite Christmas Reads

Sixteen years ago I was walking down the aisle of my childhood library.  It was November and a book shouted out to me.  It was candy cane striped.  And when I opened it up there were pictures inside.  Pictures! In an adult book!  Imagine my surprise.  Since that time I have read A Village Christmas every year at this time.  I am a fan of Miss Read books!  I now own  Christmas at Fairacre.  It is all the Christmas stories that Miss Read (Dora Saint) wrote.  One of my favorite parts of all her stories are the pictures.  
Village Christmas : Miss Read
What a pleasant picture of a quiet evening at home.  The lamp and the fireplace, the steaming keetle that will fill their water bottles.  I live in the wrong era.  (Though these stories do take place in the seventies)

Village Christmas: Miss Read
 My other favorite reads at this time of year Tasha Tudor! I have truly wanted to live the way she did. We have gone to Vermont every year and I have always wanted to live there.
A Time to Keep: Tasha Tudor
 So many lovely traditions she had at Christmas.  This year I made my own advent calendar.  This kids and I went out on Sunday to find a wreath and some candles.  Of course mine is not hanging from the ceiling.  Though I wish I could.
A Time to Keep: Tasha Tudor
 Today we will put out our family creche!  I have always wanted to set up an outdoor creche.
A Time to Keep: Tasha Tudor

A Time to Keep: Tasha Tudor

A Time To Keep: Tasha Tudor

Friday, November 29, 2013

 It's getting colder!!  Look at the work that Jack Frost was doing to my car the other night!  It was almost too beautiful to clear off.

Here is my new Christmas yarn for my dish clothes.   I wiped a couple up for my sister as a thank you for once again hosting Thanksgiving dinner.  I am hoping to get a bunch stitched up and put them up for sale!

Here are the two I made for my sister.  The red one took much longer than the variegated colors.

Still working on my grey sweater and the tri colored scarf.  So many things to finish!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Day at The Beach

Spent the day at the beach with my sister at her beach house.
 Kids did not want to leave at the end of the day.  Just want to stay here for the rest of the summer.
 They did not go in the water much when we first got there.  Then late afternoon they started swimming and could not get them out!

 Liam took this sunset picture. He said he just wanted to go for a long walk on the beach.  Love him.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Becoming a Keeper

Many years ago I bought these books for both my daughters.  I never had the courage to explore it with them.  I was to afraid.  Yes I was afraid, uncomfortable talking about God with my children.  I still am. But I want to be a Godly woman. I decided since the girls are now too old for this, I am not.  I want to become a Keep of my Home.  And this is the first step.  The book is broken down into different chapters.  Even though I have been a wife for twenty years and a mother for sixteen, I do not feel I have come close to doing my best work in either one.  I have always been afraid and worried about everything.  Money, housing, food, kids you name it I would worry about it.  For the last few months I though when those thoughts have entered my mind, I have said The Lords Prayer.  I keep stressing Thy Will Be Done.  I am giving up my worries to God.  And I am trying to listen to what He wants instead of what I want.  I have had several blessings already bestowed upon me.  Which is why I am changing my tone of this blog.  I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman.  I want to serve the Lord.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coffee time

  by ondiraiduveau
, a photo by ondiraiduveau on Flickr.
Every evening after my walk with Wallace I try to sit down to a nice cup of coffee. But it usually is interrupted by one child or the other. Or I am checking homework. I love the woman's pearls and her perfect hair.